John Nicholson – Care and Connect Ministry

John first started coming to Grace City Church in April 2023. He runs the “Care and Connect” ministry which looks after members of the church and helps people get introduced to the life and family of GCC.

Email: johnnicholson@gracecitychurch.ca

William Robillard – Ministry Assistant

Will has been attending Grace City Church since July 2023. He supports the day-to-day operations of both the North and South missions, and makes sure volunteers, staff, pastors and elders are supported during Sunday services. He also works alongside the elders as he discerns his call to ministry.

Email: willrobillard@gracecitychurch.ca

David Robinson – Lead pastor apprentice, North Mission

Dave has been a part of Grace City Church since 2014. As Lead Pastor Apprentice he preaches, leads ministry and outreach programs, and looks after the spiritual needs of the congregation in the North Mission.

Email: daverobinson@gracecitychurch.ca


Jeremiah Smith – LeAD PASTOR


Jeremiah has been serving as a pastor at Grace City since 2017. In addition to co-planting the South Mission, he is responsible for training ministry staff and overseeing both the North and South missions.

Email: jeremiahsmith@gracecitychurch.ca

Johnny Thiessen – Pastor, South Mission

Johnny has been a part of Grace City Church since 2013. He has been an Elder since 2014, and is co-planting the South Mission where he serves as a pastor. Johnny also serves with the North American Mission Board where he discovers, develops and deploys biblically qualified men to plant churches in Southern Alberta.

Email: jthiessen@gracecitychurch.ca